image of a big white mushroom in yard image of a big white mushroom in yard

Big White Mushrooms in Yard: Everything You Need To Know

A garden or yard is one of the best places to experience nature in peace. Whenever you step out in your yard or garden, you feel a new vibe of freshness. But what if something else gets added? Something like big white mushrooms in yard?

If you have seen big white colored mushroom in your backyard, you will probably have too many questions. Such as, should I remove them immediately, or leave them. Are all types of white backyard mushrooms safe? Are they adding beauty to your space or they are just junk?

In this post, we are going to talk about these white mushrooms that appears in your backyard, generally after rainy days. We will dig deeper and understand the types of white mushrooms, which of them are good, and are they totally harmless or poisonous.

What Are the Big White Mushrooms in My Yard?

collage image showing big white mushrooms in yard

If you have ever noticed big white mushrooms in your yard overnight, after a rainy day or on a humid day, then you are not alone. Mushrooms are one of the fast growing plants. They develop so fast that it feels like there was nothing a day before, and the next day, a big white mushroom.

There are a number of species of mushrooms found out there that grow so easily in a moist, or damp area. Some of the most common species of mushroom are – Chlorophyllum molybdites, Agaricus campestris, Amanita bisporigera, Lepiota spp. , Calvatia gigantea, Lycoperdon spp., Coprinus comatus , etc.

The actual task is to identify them and understand which of them are poisonous and which are harmless.

In the next section, we will be looking into various types of white mushrooms that people generally see in their backyard.

Types of big white mushrooms in yard

There are various types of big white mushrooms in yard that one can see. While most of them are generally safer and edible, however, there are certain mushroom species that falls under the category of poisonous mushrooms and even deadly mushrooms.

Let’s look at each of them:

Chlorophyllum molybdites (Green-Spored Parasol / False Parasol) – Poisonous

Chlorophyllum molybdites white mushrooms in yard

Chlorophyllum molybdites, also known as green-spored parasol or false parasol, appears in your backyards due to favored moisture and temperatures, especially after the rain. And if you use compost or organic matter in your yard, these mushrooms can be quite big.

Remember, Chlorophyllum molybdites is highly poisonous in nature and causes severe gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, which can start 1-3 hours after consumption.

In order to identify them and remove them from your backyard, remember that it has a flattened, white scaly cap with no snakeskin texture, the cap grows up to 30 cm wide, its white gills turn green after maturing, its stem is tall measuring 5-30cm with double edged rings.

In order to prevent these mushrooms growing in your backyard, create a proper drainage and moisture control system, and use fungicides.

Since they are poisonous in nature, it is always recommended to do not touch it barehand, use gloves, dig up and remove the mushroom and dispose properly.

Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom) – Edible

Agaricus campestris white mushrooms in yard

These are also known as field mushroom as they generally grow in backyard after its spores get spread by various means such as water, wind or animals. And if you use compost in your yard, the mushrooms can grow even bigger.

These white mushrooms(Agaricus campestris) in your backyard are not poisonous, and they are edible. However, proper identification is very important because of the similar resemblance with some poisonous mushrooms.

For identification, look for its smooth, white brown cap, which is round at first but gets flattened and scaly in appearance as it grows, and measures 5-10 cm wide. The gills are white at first but as it ages, it turns into pink and then brown in color. The stem is white in color, long and thick and measures 5-17cm in length.

Amanita bisporigera (Destroying Angel) – Deadly Poisonous

Amanita bisporigera white mushrooms in yard

It is commonly known as destroying angel, and these big white mushrooms in yard are moisture loving. If your backyard is moist and damp, you will find these there. You will also find these in the damp wooded areas with leaves and trees that are decaying.

These are highly poisonous and as the name suggests, avoid touching or eating it.

For identification, its cap is white, slimy and smooth umbrella in young stages and in 5-15cm in diameter, and the gills are white and not attached to the stem.

Lepiota spp. (Parasol Mushrooms) – Some Poisonous

Lepiota spp. white mushrooms in yard

Lepiota spp., also known as Parasol Mushrooms, share similar ways of growing in a backyard as many. These can show up in your backyard in the similar chain of ways, starting from tiny spores which spread through air and then lands in your backyard and then germinate from there.

Some of these are poisonous as they have toxicity in it while some are edible. So, you have to be extra cautious with such species that carry both edibility and toxicity in it.

The edible ones have a large, scaly texture on the cap with 10-25cm in diameter. The smell is mild. And the step is long and thick with bulb like structure on its base and has a well structured ring.

The poisonous ones has the smooth cap, and does not bear scales and is smaller, measuring less than even 10 cm in diameter. Toxic ones have a strong unpleasant odor. And the stem is often thinner and does not have a bulb.

For its prevention, especially the poisonous ones, avoid moisture and organic matters that accelerates its germination. And once it starts to grow, wear proper gloves, remove using apparatus such as tongs or shovel, then dispose in a plastic bag.

Calvatia gigantea (Giant Puffball) – Edible When Young

Calvatia gigantea white mushrooms in yard

Calvantia gigantia is a type of mushroom, which is also known as giant puffballs. They grow in open and grassy areas, you will mostly find them in your backyard in the late summers.

These are edible, but only when they are young, but as they grow up and mature, they are no longer safe for its consumption.

In order to identify, these are large and round, the caps are 30-50cm in diameter, and look for their gills and stem, they lack these. In their young stages, these are white in color, but after they get mature and toxic, these turn yellow and powdery.

Lycoperdon spp. (Small Puffballs) – Some Edible

Lycoperdon spp. white mushrooms in yard

Lycoperdon spp, alternatively called as small puffballs is the smaller version of Calvantia gigantia. These mushrooms grow in greenery such as grassy areas, and you will mostly find them in your backyard after the rainfall.

Some species are edible, but only when they are young. And as they mature, they become inedible and may even be toxic. So, proper identification is very important.

For identification, these mushrooms are small, round, and the cap measures less than 10cm in diameter. They lack gills and stems. In their young stages, they are white in color, but as they mature, they turn brown from inside.

Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Mane / Lawyer’s Wig) – Edible

Coprinus comatus white mushrooms in yard

Coprinus comatus, also known as Shaggy Mane or Lawyer’s Wig, shares a similar growth pattern to other mushrooms that appear in your backyard.

These mushrooms are edible when young. As they mature, their cap turns into black in color, and becomes toxic.

So, you must be cautious and consume them when they are young and white.

The edible one has a white, tall, cylindrical cap, 10-20 in diameter and length. The stem is long, white, and smooth.

The gills are white, but turn black as the mushroom matures.

Are the large white mushrooms in my yard poisonous?

We have discussed various types of white mushrooms in backyard so far, and you would have noticed that not all of them are toxic and poisonous, but some are, even deadly poisonous.

Chlorophyllum molybdites is large and often mistaken for edible mushrooms, but are highly poisonous, Amanita bisporigera is yet another large mushroom type and is deadly poisonous, Calvatia gigantea are large mushrooms and are edible when young, but after age, it turns inedible, and Lepiota another large mushroom type, some of these are poisonous, while other are edible.

I have tried my best to provide you with their identification, edibility and toxicity information.

Now, it’s your call to identify the mushrooms in your yard for consumption and avoid eating your yard mushrooms, unless you are 100% sure of its safety.

Should I remove white mushrooms from my yard?

In the rainy season, or damp or shaded area, white mushrooms are one of the common plants which grow by themselves. They basically grow because of the moisture present there or on the decaying organic materials, like old tree roots or buried wood.

Here the question arises whether you should remove the white mushrooms or leave it?

While most of the white mushrooms are harmless, some of them could be toxic or poisonous, posing risks to children or pets.

It is preferred to remove them before they spread their pores. There are types of mushrooms too which are harmless when young, but become poisonous or toxic once grown old.

So it’s basically preferred or advised to remove them.

Wear gloves while removing them from your hand, and dispose of them in sealed bags. And to prevent future growth, reduce excess moisture in your yard, improve drainage systems, and remove the extra or decaying wood from your garden.

Are white mushrooms in the yard poisonous to dogs?

Some mushrooms are harmless while some mushrooms are toxic or poisonous as discussed previously.

And talking about dogs or pets, if the mushrooms are toxic, they could be toxic or poisonous to dogs too. Ingesting poisonous mushrooms can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, tremors or even organ failure.

So, it is preferred or advised to to remove any type of mushroom which is toxic or poisonous to pets.

Dogs may nibble on mushrooms while exploring, leading to bad consequences. And if you observe, your dog might have swollen or eaten a white mushroom, consult the veterinarian immediately.

So, it is best to avoid white mushrooms in your yard or garden, as they might lead to serious consequences.


In this article, we discussed different types of big white mushrooms in yard, its edibility, toxicity, sources, prevention, and disposal.

We learnt some mushrooms are toxic and some are edible. While, there are certain mushrooms which are edible when young, but becomes toxic after maturity.

To summarize everything, The white mushrooms in your yard can be categorized into various types. Chlorophyllum molybdites is poisonous, while Agaricus campestris and Coprinus comatus are edible when young. Amanita bisporigera is deadly poisonous, and Lepiota spp. can be toxic or edible. Calvatia gigantea is edible when young, while Lycoperdon spp. is edible when immature.

My suggestion to you is consult an expert for its identification, it’s better to be on the safer side.

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